"Projected Buildings," RERBG v. 66, no. 1705 (November 17, 1900): p. 691.
-1663- Union st, n s, 192.4 e 6th av, 2-sty automobile stable, 40x70, gravel roof; cost, $3,750; F & G Schwartz, 112 Berkeley pl; ar't, P B Marryatt, 17 St Marks pl.
At the dawn of the automobile age, to call a building an "automobile stable" must have seemed quite natural. What else would one call it?
At any rate, as usual, we checked our photo archive for the building, and indeed this "automobile stable" appears still to exist, largely unchanged since original construction:
The owners who built it lived at 112 Berkeley Place, which is located directly behind this building; they could have walked through the rear garden to access their "automobile stable." You can see 112 Berkeley Place highlighted on the screen shot below; 811 Union St. is the wide (40x70) building at bottom center:
The 1897 Lain's Brooklyn Directory lists Gustave Schwartz residing at 112 Berkeley Place; no occupation is given.
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