Why this Blog Exists

To make the case for expanding the Park Slope Historic District

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Postscript: Public Hearing

We like to complain, like many others, about the "unresponsive" Landmarks Preservation Commission; we like to complain that "they" should have done more to protect Park Slope in the 37 years since our original Historic District was created.

But the fact is, the LPC is not going to come into a community that is not organized and that may not be wholeheartedly behind the landmarking effort. They have too much to do, and too many neighborhoods who are fully organized, to waste time.

So in contrast to the standard complaint that "they" should have paid more attention to Park Slope in the past, we had the distinct impression, during the recent Public Hearing, that the LPC has been waiting all this time for "us" finally to get organized and to meet them halfway!

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